Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wednesday Day 8 Digital Learning

Wednesday, March 25

*Spirit Day – Who is you're at home study buddy? - post a picture with them! *

15 minutes of reading on either Raz–Kids or Reading Eggs

15 minutes working in the Science workbook, pages 220- 227

15 minutes of writing – write about how you look like your parents just like plants look like their parents. Draw a picture of you and your parent – write in complete sentences and post a picture in class Dojo 

15 minutes of math – create a bar graph showing the number of these items: TVs, beds, doors. Answer these questions about your completed graph: What did you have the most of? What did you have the least of? How many did you have in all? Complete and take a picture to post to class Dojo.

Don’t forget story time with Mrs. Nelson at 10:30 each day. You can use it towards your reading time. Also, Mrs. Levi posts a new story each day with questions! Today is PE for our Specials. Please take a pic of you doing some physical activity and send it to me or draw a pic of it. Please send me some writing to go along with it as well.  I can't wait to see your study buddy pics. Please be sure to send them to me. 🙂 Thanks for your time and support!