I hope all of you had a nice weekend with your families. I want to say thank you to everyone for sharing all the hard work your children are doing with me. I can tell that everyone is working hard and doing their best! Please continue to send pics of completed work assignments along with pics of you around your home. I have been working to get the pics in one place and will share a link soon to Dojo. I know everyone misses their friends so I thought this would be a good way to share. Also, please look for a video later today! Here is the assignment for today:
Monday, March 23
*Spirit Day – PJ Day – post a picture in your favorite jammies! *
15 minutes of reading on either Raz-Kids or Reading Eggs
15 minutes working in the Math workbook, pages 527-530 – once completed take pictures and post to a class Dojo message
15 minutes in the Science workbook, pages 176 – 180
15 minutes writing response – how do your body parts help you meet your basic needs? Please write in complete sentences and post a picture of the completed writing on a class Dojo message.
Thanks for your time and support!
Kristin Shildneck
Check this blog for updates on what we are doing in Mrs. Shildneck's First Grade!
We had fun making a tent for the bear. We learned how to work in small groups cooperatively and share materials. They did a great job! ...
Hi! The children are working hard on learning the routine and procedures of Daily 5. They are working hard to build stamina during Read to ...
We had so much fun making a shelter for a duck and testing it. So many of the shelters passed the test! ...