Sunday, September 30, 2018

October 1-5

Here is what we will be learning in the classroom and discussing:

Science- We will be learning and discussing magnets.

Social Studies- We will be learning about goods and services as well as scarcity.

Language Arts- We will continue to discuss wordless stories with different examples of these types of books. We will look through the pictures as a group and discuss retelling the story from beginning to the end. We will also discuss the characters, setting, etc. We will continue to work on narrative writing. We are working on punctuation and capitalization in our writing as well as other times to review punctuation marks. We will continue to work on Daily 5 skills and expectations during this time. I will work with small groups on guided reading skills during this time. The children have been working hard during this time. I am so proud of their hard work and accomplishments!

Math- We will be working on numbers to 120 and higher. We will be continue with strategy of counting on and work on using a number line. We will also be discussing measurement with nonstandard units during this time.

Reminders for Classroom/Important Dates:
  • Picture Day is Thursday October 4th.
  • Your child needs a healthy snack each day.
  • Please be sure to empty your child's take home folder each night for important information and to see what your child is working on.
  • Monday, 10/1- Conference sheets Come Home
  • Tuesday, 10/2 – 8:15-9:15 Coffee and Conversations with Mrs. Hallmark and Mr. Cohen
  • Tuesday 10/2- Zaxby's Night 5-8
  • Please be sure to turn in your child's yellow reading challenge sheet if your child completed the task.
  • Thanks for your time and support with homework. It really does make a difference. The children did a great job with the continents and oceans!
  • October 10 is Walk to School Day!
  • October 11 is Early Release Day at 12:15.
  • Conference Week is October 15-19. Early Release schedule during this time.
  • Always be sure to check the Addison website for many other upcoming events and dates!

Fun in Science Lab Making a Shelter for a Duck

We had so much fun making a shelter for a duck and testing it. So many of the shelters passed the test!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Closer to Fall

 Hope all of you that attended the Fall Carnival enjoyed and had so much fun! We are getting closer to fall time and to our Fall Break! Here goes with what we are learning in the classroom:

Language Arts- We will continue to discuss nonfiction and fiction. We will discuss our reasons and how we know which is which...We will be discussing narratives and will be writing about a fun experience along with writing about a picture of the day. (students will be given a writing paper with a picture on it and they will be writing about the picture.) We will be discussing details, capitalization, and punctuation in our writing along with having partners to check our writing. We will continue to work on Daily 5 groups to work on reading skills, writing skills, and word work during this time.

Math- We will be working on numbers to 120 and higher. We will be looking at a number chart with numbers over 100. We will be working on using a number line and looking at number patterns in higher numbers.

Social Studies- We will continue to discuss the 7 continents and oceans during this time. We will continue to practice identifying them on a map as well as remembering the names of all of them. Please continue to practice this skill with your child as we will be assessing the students on this skill at the end of the week.

Helpful Reminders/Classroom Needs:

  • Please be sure to empty your child's take home folder every night.
  • Homework for the week is sent home on Mondays and please return it on Fridays. I will send it home as soon as I get it checked. Please continue to work with your child on the spelling words each week doing different activities to be sure he/she is ready for the spelling test on Friday.
  • Please put any notes in the take home folder or write a note in your child's agenda.
  • Please put all money in a labeled envelope with your child's name on it.
  • Please help your child to practice identifying and naming the 7 continents and oceans.
Thanks for your time and support. It is always greatly appreciated. Please email me with any questions.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

September 10-14

Here is what we are working on and learning this week in the classroom:

Math- We will be having a final test on Place Value on Tuesday. We will be going into numbers to 120. (counting from different numbers and writing them from different numbers up to 120.) We will be practicing counting to 120 without skipping any numbers.

Social Studies- We will be finishing up Me on the Map and assessing our global address. Please continue to work on this skill at home. (home address, city, county, state, country and continent.) We will be going into Continents and Oceans.

Language Arts- We will continue with Daily 5 skills during our Language Arts block. We will be focusing on reading groups during this time and our main focus will be nonfiction and fiction. We will also focus on fixing sentences and final blends during Phonics time. This weeks phonics focus is the final consonant clusters. Please make sure to practice the spelling words with your child.   We will have a Spelling test on Friday. 

We are so happy to be finished with CoGAT testing. The children are working hard and I am so proud of them and their accomplishments. Thanks for your time and effort at home to support them and the classroom.

Important Dates:
September 11th: Firehouse Sub Night 5pm
September 14th: Family Fun Carnival 
September 15th: East Cobber Parade
September 17th: Foundation Catalog Sales Begin
September 24- 28: Fall Break

A note from our Foundation
The 2018 AESF Science Lab Funding Drive is almost over! Help us fund Addison’s amazing science lab by sending in a donation of ANY AMOUNT or donate online now at

Monday, September 3, 2018

First STEM Challenge - Making a model of a thermometer for our Weather Unit!

September 4-7

Hope all of you are having a wonderful Labor Day weekend and enjoying your friends and family. Here is what is going on in the classroom:

We will be taking the Cogat test this Wednesday September 5-7. This is an abilities test. This test will be used to determine if your child qualifies for the ALP (Advanced Learning Program). If your child scores high enough, more information will be provided to you in regards to this program. Please let me know if you have any questions. You may email me as needed.

We will continue to work on our global address in Social Studies. Please continue to practice at home as time permits. Global address includes address, city, county, state, country and continent. Please note this will be assessed for report card purposes. We will be going into learning our continents during this time following our global address. We will be visiting the Science Lab this week and continue to work on our weather unit and making observations about the weather.

We will be working on the final S blend during phonics time. We will be working on fixing sentences such as beginning capitalization, ending punctuation, etc. during Language Arts time. We will be introduced to Squiggle stories during Writing time. This will be a choice during our Daily 5 groups. Our spelling words/word work words this week: desk, fast, ask, wasp, blast, crisp, look, for, get and come. 

We will continue with Place Value this week in Math. We will continue to discuss ones and tens as well as practice making groups of 10 with a large group of ones to determine how many tens and ones we have and what number this makes. We will discuss trading dimes and  pennies. (ones and tens)

Important Dates and Events to Remember:

  • Foundation Funding Drive
  • September 6- PTA/Foundation meeting 6:00- 5th grade performance/Rock Eagle meeting
  • September 8- Garden Clean Up Day
  • September 14- Family Fun Carnival- Sign up to Volunteer
  • September 15- East Cobber Parade- our CEOTY and TOTY will be riding in the parade at 10:00 AM.
  • September 17- Foundation catalog sales