Sunday, September 16, 2018

Closer to Fall

 Hope all of you that attended the Fall Carnival enjoyed and had so much fun! We are getting closer to fall time and to our Fall Break! Here goes with what we are learning in the classroom:

Language Arts- We will continue to discuss nonfiction and fiction. We will discuss our reasons and how we know which is which...We will be discussing narratives and will be writing about a fun experience along with writing about a picture of the day. (students will be given a writing paper with a picture on it and they will be writing about the picture.) We will be discussing details, capitalization, and punctuation in our writing along with having partners to check our writing. We will continue to work on Daily 5 groups to work on reading skills, writing skills, and word work during this time.

Math- We will be working on numbers to 120 and higher. We will be looking at a number chart with numbers over 100. We will be working on using a number line and looking at number patterns in higher numbers.

Social Studies- We will continue to discuss the 7 continents and oceans during this time. We will continue to practice identifying them on a map as well as remembering the names of all of them. Please continue to practice this skill with your child as we will be assessing the students on this skill at the end of the week.

Helpful Reminders/Classroom Needs:

  • Please be sure to empty your child's take home folder every night.
  • Homework for the week is sent home on Mondays and please return it on Fridays. I will send it home as soon as I get it checked. Please continue to work with your child on the spelling words each week doing different activities to be sure he/she is ready for the spelling test on Friday.
  • Please put any notes in the take home folder or write a note in your child's agenda.
  • Please put all money in a labeled envelope with your child's name on it.
  • Please help your child to practice identifying and naming the 7 continents and oceans.
Thanks for your time and support. It is always greatly appreciated. Please email me with any questions.