Sunday, September 9, 2018

September 10-14

Here is what we are working on and learning this week in the classroom:

Math- We will be having a final test on Place Value on Tuesday. We will be going into numbers to 120. (counting from different numbers and writing them from different numbers up to 120.) We will be practicing counting to 120 without skipping any numbers.

Social Studies- We will be finishing up Me on the Map and assessing our global address. Please continue to work on this skill at home. (home address, city, county, state, country and continent.) We will be going into Continents and Oceans.

Language Arts- We will continue with Daily 5 skills during our Language Arts block. We will be focusing on reading groups during this time and our main focus will be nonfiction and fiction. We will also focus on fixing sentences and final blends during Phonics time. This weeks phonics focus is the final consonant clusters. Please make sure to practice the spelling words with your child.   We will have a Spelling test on Friday. 

We are so happy to be finished with CoGAT testing. The children are working hard and I am so proud of them and their accomplishments. Thanks for your time and effort at home to support them and the classroom.

Important Dates:
September 11th: Firehouse Sub Night 5pm
September 14th: Family Fun Carnival 
September 15th: East Cobber Parade
September 17th: Foundation Catalog Sales Begin
September 24- 28: Fall Break

A note from our Foundation
The 2018 AESF Science Lab Funding Drive is almost over! Help us fund Addison’s amazing science lab by sending in a donation of ANY AMOUNT or donate online now at