Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday March 27- Digital Learning Day 10

Friday, March 27
*Spirit Day – Addison Spirit Wear – post a picture in your Addison attire! * 
15 minutes of reading on either Raz-Kids or Reading Eggs
30 minutes of social studies and writing– Go to the Addison Homepage and click on Kid Links, click on Cobb Virtual Library, click on the PebbleGo Biographies application, type in George Washington Carver in the search, read through and answer this question: What was his major contribution to society? Once completed post a picture in class Dojo.
15 minutes of working in the Math workbook, pages 547 – 550 – once completed have your parent check your work, how did you do? Send me a quick message through a video or written response. 

Thank You and have a great weekend!