- Math- We are adding two numbers without regrouping and working on word problems
- Social Studies- We are finishing up Lewis and Clark. We have been working in small groups using the Bee Bots and learning about Lewis and Clark in the Learning Commons. We will be discussing Theodore Roosevelt.
- Language Arts- We are discussing opinion writing. We are working on our Daily 5 groups. (reading strategies, writing, word work, reading to self and someone/filling out a story map, and listening to reading. (RAZ and Reading Eggs)
- Science- We will be visiting the Science Lab this week.
Important Reminders for the Classroom and Dates:
- Your child needs a healthy snack each day.
- Your child may bring in a water bottle.
- Please send the agenda and take home folder back each day in your child's folder. Please empty your child's take home folder each day.
- Please put any transportation changes in a note in your child's folder or agenda if there are any changes made. I must have them in writing.
- Teacher Appreciation Week: February 10-14
- Winter Break: February 17-21
- Valentine's Day: Friday February 14