Thursday, September 19, 2019

September 30-October 4

 I hope all of you have a fun Fall break and everyone can relax! Here is a glimpse of some things we will learning about and things going on in the classroom:

Language Arts- We will be working on wordless stories. We will continue to work on good writing with beginning capitalization, spacing, punctuation and writing a narrative story. We will continue to work on Daily 5 routines. The children are doing a great job with this and learning the details of Daily 5.

Math- We will be working on subtraction with a focus on word problems and continue to work on place value. The children are doing a great job with place value and seem to have a good understanding of the tens and ones.

Science- We will be discussing magnets in Science Lab and during our STEM day.

Social Studies- We will be finishing up continents and oceans. Please continue to work on this at home as they will be assessed on this standard.

Picture day will be October 3rd and our STEM day will be October 4th. Please have your child wear their STEM shirt on the 4th. When we return from break conference sheets will be sent home. Please sign and return those ASAP. We will have student lead conferences do plan for your child to attend the first half. 

We are in need of some foam hand soap and snacks for the classroom. Please help your child to remember he/she needs a healthy snack each day, his/her agenda and take home folder. Thanks for the donations that have been made.