Sunday, February 10, 2019

February 11-15

Important Dates:
Thursday, February 7th: Picture Day
February 11 - 15: Teacher Appreciation Week
Thursday, February 14th: Progress Reports will go home and Exchanging of Valentine's
February 18 - 22: Winter Break NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, February 26th: 6 Flags Reading Challenge Due
Friday, February 28th: FBI breakfast: Dad's come have breakfast with your child and stay for the meeting.

Language Arts- We are working on Opinion Writing during this time. We are working on stating our opinion in the beginning followed by 3 reasons, 3 examples to back up our reasons and a closure that restates our opinion in a different way. (We call it the OREO writing process.)We are working on or variant vowel this week during Phonics time. We are working on editing our writing. We are working on capitalization and punctuation in our writing. We are working with other students to be sure our reading makes sense and we have all the necessary components to make it a good writing piece.

Math- We are working on adding 3 numbers. We are working on addition math facts fluency to 20. We are working on getting faster with our addition facts to 20. We are discussing strategies such as finding the bigger number and counting on etc. We are always working on word problems and using s strategies to determine the answer from key words. We are also working on time to the hour and half hour.

Social Studies/Science- We are discussing the adventures of Lewis and Clark. In Science, we are discussing the survival of animals in Science Lab. We will be having our fieldtrip, Wildlife Wonders after the winter break. We will be meeting and interacting with some unique animals during this time.

Thanks for all you do to help your child be successful in the classroom. Thanks for your time and efforts in helping them with any unfinished work, practice of sight words, reading daily, projects and homework activities. Have a great week and winter break!