I can't believe we are almost to the month of December. I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and break with your families. Here's what we are learning in the classroom:
Language Arts- We are discussing nouns, verbs and adjectives. We are discussing author's purpose. (PIE- Persuade, Inform, or Entertain) We are discussing different books and having discussions about what we think the author's purpose is etc. We are continuing with Informational writing to the end of the quarter. We are working on making sure we have a topic or beginning sentence, facts (minimum of 3) and a closure/conclusion. We are also working on How to writing as well.
Math- We are finishing up Missing Addends with addition and subtraction. We will be going into balanced equations and making equations True or False as well. We will continue to work on strategies to solve the problems and word problems. Some of our strategies include counting on, pictures, number line, etc.
Social Studies/Science- We finished up our learning and discussion of Benjamin Franklin. We will be discussing Thomas Jefferson. In the area of Science, we will be discussing sound and light and during Science Lab.
Important Notes/Calendar Dates:
- Please be sure to continue to practice/read sight word lists with homework. I will test them throughout the quarter. We work on sight words during guided reading/small groups during Daily 5.
- Please read for 20 minutes each night.
- Thanks to everyone for helping your child to complete the weekly homework packet and projects. I greatly appreciate your time and support.