Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week Theme: Leaders make healthy choices!
October 22-26, 2018
Red Ribbon Week is a national event that promotes drug awareness and prevention each year. At Addison, we use this week to encourage our students to make good choices. We hope you will support us in celebrating happy, healthy choices at home!J
Monday – “Make a pledge Monday!”  –   At the start of this nationally recognized Red Ribbon Week – Students will sign class pledge to show that they pledge to live a healthy life! Students will receive red ribbon stickers and pencils.
Tuesday – “Color my life drug free” – Students will receive a Red Ribbon Week coloring sheet. 
Wednesday – “Wear Red Wednesday!”  Wear red to support a healthy life!
Thursday – “Healthy Snack Day” –  Students will bring a healthy item to eat during snack.
Friday – “Team up against drugs!”- Wear your favorite team gear or Addison spirit wear.