Tuesday, October 9, 2018

October 8-12

    Happy Fall to all of you! I look forward to meeting with you next week for conferences. Here is what we are learning in the classroom and/or working on:

Language Arts- We will continue our Daily 5 rotations to work on word work, writing and reading skills. We will be discussing Long A and Bossy E during phonics time. Please be sure to work with your child on the spelling words. We have a spelling test on Friday! We will continue to discuss and work on narrative writing. We are also working on being sure we have a bold beginning and exciting ending along with punctuation marks. Our habit for the month for Leader in Me is to Begin with the End in Mind.

Math- We will continue to discuss measurement and using words such as shorter than, longer than, etc and measuring with nonstandard units. We will use various items such as cubes and paper clips to measure. For extension, we will be discussing inches.

Social Studies- We will continue our discussion on goods and services. We will be discussing needs and wants. We will continue to discuss scarcity. We will discuss all of these concepts and work on giving examples of all of them.

Important Dates for your Calendar:
October 9th: Papa Johns night
October 11th: Early Release Day (students are released at 12:15pm)
October 15 - 19: Conference Week and Book Fair and Early Release
October 22 - 26: Red Ribbon Week
October 26th: Boovie  Night
October 15-19- Book Fair (On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday it will be open from 7:15 am-4:00 pm. On Wednesday it will be open from 7:15 am-5:00 pm and on Friday from 7:15- noon.

Thanks as always for your time and efforts with your children. Your help and support is greatly appreciated. Have a great week!