Sunday, April 28, 2019

Practice for the Gator Gala

Please practice at home as time permits. Thanks for your time and support as always!

Friday, April 26, 2019

Thursday, April 25, 2019

End of the Year ABC Countdown

The First Grade
End Of The Year ABC Countdown!

Dear Parents,

During the last few weeks of school, our class will be participating in an ABC Countdown. Each school day will have a different activity depending on the letter of the day. Your child may need to bring in certain things depending on the day. This sheet will help your child remember what day in the countdown we are on. I hope your child enjoys the last few days of first grade!

Friday, April 26th
A: Animal Day: Bring your favorite small stuffed animal today!
B: Bring your Favorite Book:  Weather permitting we will read our favorite book outside.

Monday, April 29th
C: Creative Craft Day. We will be making a special keepsake.

Tuesday, April 30th
D: Doughnut Day. We will enjoy doughnuts for snack today!

Wednesday, May 1st
E: Exploring Day. We will take a walk around the school grounds to see what all is growing.

Thursday, May 2nd
F/G: Fun Game Day: Bring in your favorite board game to play with your classmates.

Friday, May 3rd
H: Health Snack Day. Bring in a healthy snack and be prepared to talk about why it is healthy.

Monday, May 6th
I: I Scream for Ice-Cream Day. We will enjoy ice-cream with our fellow first grade classes.

Tuesday, May 7th
J: Joke Day. Write down your favorite joke to share.
K: King for a day. The boys will dress up and be treated as Kings.

Wednesday, May 8th
L: Lollipop: We will enjoy a yummy lollipop.

Thursday, May 9th
M: Memory Day: We will make a memory book of first grade today!

Friday, May 10th
N: Nice Day: Be nice to your teammates during field day

Monday, May 13th
O: Outrageous Hair Day: Come in with your craziest; most outrageous hair style

Tuesday, May 14th
P: Popsicle Party: We will enjoy a Popsicle during our recess time.  

Wednesday, May 15th
Q: Queen for a day. Our girls will dress up and be treated like Queens.
R: Rejoice for Recess: We will enjoy an extra recess today.

Thursday, May 16th
S: Silly Sock/Shoe Day. Wear your silliest shoes or socks! Or both!
T: Thank You Day. We will write special thank you letters to others who have taught us and worked with us this year.

Friday, May 17th
U: Unusual Show and Tell Day. Bring in something unusual or unique to share with the class.

Monday, May 20th
V/W: Watch a Video. We will watch a movie.

Tuesday, May 21st
X: eXperiment Day: We will be doing a fun experiment in class.
Y: Year End Clearance Day. Bring in a bag and we will clean out our desks and the classroom.

Wednesday, May 22nd
Z: Zoom Out of School Day. Last day of school! Congratulations!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

What We are Learning Right Now in the Classroom

The children have been working hard since we have returned from Spring Break. I am proud of their hard work and accomplishments. Here is what we are learning in the classroom:

Language Arts- We are working on reviewing narrative writing. We are working on dipthong ou and ow  during Phonics time. We are working on going back to the text in reading texts to find information to answer questions. We continue to work on comprehension skills, increasing our reading level, reading strategies and Word Work during Daily 5.

Math- We are discussing 2 and 3 dimensional shapes. We are comparing and contrasting their attributes. We are composing shapes. We are discussing partitioning shapes into halve and fourths.

Social Studies- We have been discussing George Washington Carver and the importance of his life and the positive impact and contributions he had on others.

Science- We continue to discuss Animals and adaptations for survival.

Registration and End of Year Stuff

The Student Info Update Form and the envelope that will be used to mail report cards home at the end of the year will be going home with students tomorrow. We will send parents a text and an email so they know to look for them and that they are due back on Thursday, 18th. As they are returned, you can either hold them in your classroom till 4/18 or you can send them up to me in the office.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Camping Day!

We had so much fun on our camping day before break! The children want to do it again for good behavior!